Friday, March 7, 2025


Steph Curry: “Mogu zabiti 60 poena svakoj NBA momčadi”

Šesterostruki All-Star, dvostruki MVP regularnog dijela sezone, trostruki NBA prvak i zvijezda Golden State Warriorsa Stephen Curry s razlogom se smatra jednim od najboljih igrača najjače košarkaške lige. Dok je uživo na Instagramu razgovarao s bivšim suigračem, a sada centrom Los Angeles Lakersa, JaValeom McGeejem, Chef Curry je izjavio kako može ubaciti 60 poena svim NBA momčadima (izvor: Bleacher Report). Zanimljivo je to da Curry u dosadašnjoj karijeri nije postigao 60 ili više poena u NBA utakmici, najveći broj poena koji je postigao je 54 poena u porazu od New York Knicksa u veljači 2013.

Six-time All-Star, 2x NBA MVP, 3x NBA champion and Golden State Warriors superstar Stephen Curry is considered as one of the best players in the NBA for a reason. While talking live on Instagram with his former teammate and Los Angeles Lakers center JaVale McGee, Chef Curry said that he can score 60 points against every NBA team (via Bleacher Report). Interestingly, Curry has not scored 60 or more points in an NBA game so far, his highest scoring game was in the February 2013, when he scored 54 points in a road loss to the Knicks.

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